How To Keep Your Muscles Ache and Pain-free

Do you suffer from muscle aches and pains? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us put up with these aches and pains on a daily basis. One important factor for finding the cause is what our daily routine looks like.

What is Causing my Aches and Pains

Most of us have one dominant position you assume at work like sitting or standing. Holding the same position for so long can cause havoc on your muscle lengths thus creating faulty movement patterns, or dysfunctions as we call it in physiotherapy. Common dysfunctions include tightening of the chest and shoulder muscles from computer work or tightening of the hips from sitting too much. Standing can cause tightening of the lower back too depending on your standing posture. 

These dysfunctions can affect how your joints move, causing your body to overwork and get strained. When muscles overwork, they get sore and sensitive. Where the joints and muscles cross also can get sore and painful. It is an even bigger problem when you go to the gym and load or lift weights before correcting these dysfunctions as this can increase your risk for injuries and set you back further in terms of achieving your fitness goals. 

How Can I Fix These Dysfunctions

The solution to correcting these dysfunctions is quite simple. You need to start with proper education. If you don’t know that a problem exists, you won’t be able to find a solution for it. Think about how long you stay in one position each day, and pay attention to any aches or pains you commonly get. You may find that there’s an easy solution like standing and going for short walks throughout the day.

It helps to consistently move your body throughout different ranges of motion. Regular yoga or stretching are a good way to keep your muscles and joints happy! You may also want to consult a professional, like a qualified personal trainer or a licensed physiotherapist. A qualified professional can perform a thorough assessment and detect deviations from preferred movement patterns. You ultimately want to retrain your body to move the way it should. 

Keep it fun and move more. Remember to consult your doctor as well before starting an exercise program.


Ryan Reyes: Physiotherapist

Stretching to reduce pain