The Benefits of Osteopathic Manual Therapy

Osteopathy worldwide and in Canada:

The science of Osteopathy was founded by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in the late 1800s in the U.S.A., and since then it has spread throughout the whole world. In some countries, osteopathy is recognised as an independent profession, though in other countries it is still on the path of being recognised as such. Generally, osteopathic therapists need to first obtain a degree in healthcare education, and they then can progress to a manual osteopathy program that is preferred to last 4 to 6 years.

In Canada, Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT) is not a regulated profession, and unfortunately there are many organisations that are not compliant with World Health Organisation standards nor recognized by the two main international manual osteopathic organisations worldwide – OIA and EFFO, that are responsible for promoting and protecting OMTs.

You should make sure your OMT is registered in one of organizations recognized by the CFO (Canadian Federation of Osteopaths); in Alberta, its representative is AAOMT (Alberta Association of Osteopathic Manual Osteopaths) that follows all standards as mentioned above. All Body Therapy OMTs are members of AAOMT.

Osteopathy is getting more popular in Canada nowadays and many clients have received amazing benefits from this treatment.


How Does Osteopathy treat your problems?

During the sessions, we use a hands-on approach tackling the issue (system) that is causing your pain. For example, if it is a joint issue, we will mobilize it, and perform stretches, if it is stomach, we will assess fascia tension and stretch (or deep stretch) to mobilize it and reduce pain. Other techniques can be used such as cranial-sacral therapy, visceral release, and ligament release.

How long for one treatment?

The initial consultation is 90 minutes, followed by regular sessions which are about 45 minute – length. To achieve the goal to reach the most successful outcome, our initial assessment goes through your whole health related history to seek every single detail that can be origin of your discomfort.

During the session you may feel your muscles being stretched due to our light pressure. Let your therapist know if you feel this is painful, and we will adjust the pressure on that spot.

How many treatments do you need and how often should you have the treatment?

It depends on how your body responds after each session. After releasing the tension, your body needs time to adapt to all stimulations, and in the following session, we will make a thorough assessment which includes asking for your status, checking your pain level, mobility, and any improvements that you may have.

Generally, we suggest seeing you within 7-10 days after the first appointment. After that, the following sessions would be recommended based on the individual’s improvements.

Benefits of Osteopathy:

Osteopathy can benefit anyone, from babies to seniors.

Osteopathy can help babies with constipation, colic, flathead, or reflux, etc. In these cases, gentle touches relax tensions and release nerve passages to achieve, amongst other things, a good night’s sleep for the baby and the parents!

Osteopathy can also help seniors who commonly suffer from back and shoulder pain. OMTs help provide mobility to specific areas which are important to keep a good range of motion. Essential to help ensure a better quality of life, for a longer period.

Osteopathy can also benefit pregnant moms. During pregnancy, because of changes in hormones and weight gain, your joints and muscles suffer from tension which causes you pain. After the first trimester, you can seek help from an OMT to support you throughout this beautiful period of expecting a newborn.

Some common conditions that Osteopathy can help are:

  • Flat head
  • Acid reflux
  • Herniated disk
  • Migraine/headache
  • Back/Neck/Hip pain

Check other conditions that Osteopathy can help or Book an assessment with one of our OMTs to see how they can help.


Abnoan Dos Santos: Osteopathic Manual Therapist

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