Why Stretching and Muscle Activation Are Crucial to Aid Massage in Preventing and Treating Muscular Injuries

Getting a massage is a great way to find relief for tight, sore, or injured muscles. However, it can be made more effective for your recovery by performing proper stretching, muscle activation and strength training along with it.

How does stretching and muscle activation help recovery from injuries?

When you have a muscular injury, it affects the entire area around the injured muscle, not just the muscle itself. Your body may overcompensate by tightening up in some areas to try and protect the injury, and this added tension can lead to unequal pressure in your joints and ligaments. Stretching can help release the tension in these tight areas. By using specified exercises, you can activate your muscles to regain any lost range of motion and bring your body back into proper symmetry. This can begin to take the unequal pressure off your joints and speed up your recovery.

Why will this help to prevent future injuries?

By performing proper stretches alongside getting your massage, you relieve the tension in your muscles and joints. By continually performing the stretches given to you by your therapist you prevent tension in the areas that you normally tend to be tight. By using specified exercises to create muscle activation (not exhaustion) your muscles will be more prepared to take the impact of movement and causing less damage to your joints. This brings your body into balance and reduces the risk of injuries down the road.

How are these methods incorporated into massage?

During a massage, your therapist is actively lengthening the proper muscles based on your needs. By taking some time to show you the correct way to stretch and the proper exercises you can do, you can continue to stretch areas with inhibited movement, and strengthen muscles to provide more stability. By incorporating stretching, exercise, and massage into your healthcare regime, you maximize the benefits received from each one.

Daily stretching and exercise are recommended, although it doesn’t have to be at a high intensity. My rule of thumb is, “The more movement you can get in a day, the better!”


Josh Strate: Registered Massage Therapist

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